Monday, August 16, 2010


Watalys is a small portable device which enables the production of a chlorine-based solution. The device is extremely simple to utilise, and in the space of one hour produces a very powerful disinfectant solution.
Watalys used in East Africa

This solution is used for water purification and as a sanitary disinfectant. Bulane is a privately held company incorporated in Geneva in March 2006. Unlike traditional business entrepreneurs, Bulane primarly seeks to generate "social value" rather than just profits. Bulane's breakthrough product is Watalys: Watalys is a small portable device which enables the production of a chlorine-based solution. 

Watalys kit
Watalys is sold in a kit. The kit allows you to work the Watalys (with power supply), test the solution and store the solution, allowing complete autonomy of the user

Watalys solar
Watalys can be used with a foldable solar panel: easy to carry, convenient, efficient and ...ecofriendly
The device is extremely simple to utilise, and in the space of one hour produces a very powerful disinfectant solution. This solution is used for water purification and as a sanitary disinfectant. Bulane seeks an additional CHF 4,5 Mio equity financing to: R&D ramp up sales, expand partnerships, develop OEM, franchising and increase offer.

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