Saturday, November 20, 2010

FEATURED ENTREPRENEUR - Fuel-less car motor investment opportunity

Proposal Category: Agriculture


We are very excited by the latest test results that bring us closer to assembling our fuel-less dream car. We have world wide manufacturing and distribution rights for there entire Magnetic Air Motor and all pertinent accessories to propel a fuel less car, bus, boat plane etc.

Imagine your car never needing gasoline, that’s right a fuel-less motor.

New Fuel Systems Inc is pleased to present a 10 minute video from our Magnetic Air Motors partnership in Silicon Valley, California.. This is a working prototype of a 1/8 HP Magnetic Motor. It demonstrates the generator system without the Air Drive components. A complete 50 HP motor will be in operation next month.
In a motor vehicle application this motor would have an output of 300-400 HP with the Air Drive components. That is a lot of power in a car, considering most cars only have 200 HP or less.


New Fuel Systems Inc. is incorporated in British Columbia with unlimited share capitalization.
We are presently seed financing by selling 3,000,000 shares at .75 = $2,250,000.
These shares are sold by Subscription Agreement to sophisticated investors under an exemption from the BC Securities Commission.
We will then offer 5,000,000 shares at $1 = $5,000,000

Final round offer 10,000,000 shares at $10 = $100,000,000 with warrants for $100,000,000.


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